You have to travel far to see close!
A Nordic Cooperation for Headmasters
You have to travel far to see close! This is the motto for the Nordic network for headmasters.
The network started in 2003 with participants from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Faroe Islands – see organizations below.
In the every country there are 2-4 coordinating persons from. Together this group is the called the NOFO (NOrdic FOrum) group. This group meets once a year in March to plan the annual seminar in September. The host country for seminar is main responsible for the concrete planning of the seminar.
Participating countries:
Denmark - CFU, UCL University College
Faroe Islands - Ministry of Education
Sweden - Municipality of Håbo and Knivsta
Finland - Municipality of Oulu
Finland - Municipality of Liminka
Iceland - Reykjavik and Skagafjordur
Norway - Municipality of Trondheim
Ireland - Dublin West Education Centre
The purpose of Kurs21Nord is to focus on school development in the nordic countries - among others by finding answers to these questions:
Why was the school development initiated?
Why did it succeed?
Why did it turn into another direction than intended?
How can the individual schools act on the background of individual experiences?
Another purpose is to develop a network of headmasters at a Nordic level and to further the Nordic dimension in the schools involved through school based projects and to develop the competences of the headmasters involved.
UCL University College, Center for Undervisningsmidler. Bettina Skov Halskov - bsha@ucl.dk and Anette Vestergaard - anve@ucl.dk